Call for Tender WS2151828544 - Leonardo Global Solutions

Standard components (Mechanical,Electrical) JSF program Lot 18-19

The supply includes Mechanical and Electrical components for JSF Program for Leonardo Aircraft Division.

Roma  10 settembre 2024 12:52

Summary Information


Call of Tender Nr
Standard components (Mechanical,Electrical) JSF program Lot 18-19
Description of supply
The supply includes Mechanical and Electrical components for JSF Program for Leonardo Aircraft Division.
Type of supply
Duration of contract/work
36 Months Framework Agreement
Presumed bidding starting price
46,5 M€ € (3 years supply value)
General awarding criteria
Best value for money criterionBest value for money criterion
Date of publication
10 September 20244
24 September 2024 time 18:00 (CEST)