Zero tolerance against corruption

The Anti-Corruption Code of Leonardo Group represents a structured and consistent system of rules, inspired to principles of integrity and transparency, aimed at contrasting risks of illicit practices when conducting business activities. The Code has been approved by the Board of Directors of Leonardo on 21th April 2015, revised on 26 September 2019 and on 7 April 2022, in order to strengthen the controls incorporated to fight and prevent corruptive practices.

Recipients of the Anti-Corruption Code are members of the Boards of Directors and Statutory Auditors (or the administrative and control bodies), employees, collaborators and anyone who has contractual relations with Leonardo or the Group Companies. No one excluded.

The Anti-Corruption Code completes the enhancement of internal controls, pursued by the Board of Directors of Leonardo, in compliance with relevant legislation and in line with the international industry best practices, with a special focus on preventing and fighting corruption.

The Coordination and Consultation Body for the Prevention of Corruption, consisting of the Chairman of Leonardo's Board of Directors and the Chairmen of the Control and Risk Committee, the Board of Statutory Auditors and the Surveillance Body of Leonardo pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/01, coordinates the offices responsible for verifying compliance with the applicable rules of conduct at Group level, and oversees the application of the Anti-Corruption Code, as well as its update.

In Leonardo Spa there is a specific unit responsible for overseeing the anti-bribery management system, monitoring its functioning, adequacy with respect to the risks and effective implementation as well as for promoting update in case of changes of the applicable law and/or the relevant internal or external factors. The Anti-Corruption unit reports functionally to the Chairman and hierarchically to the Group General Counsel and has direct access to the Top Management and to the corporate bodies, by means of ad hoc information flows.

In 2020, Leonardo S.p.a. received 59 whistleblowing reports, 4 of which related to cases of alleged corruption regarding its employees, at all levels, and third parties. In particular, those 4 whistleblowing reports were duly analyzed and investigated by the Group Internal Audit O.U., upon mandate from the Whistleblowing Committee. Although such investigations did not result in any corruption-related disciplinary actions or dismissals in 2020, the investigations’ outcomes were transmitted to the Anti-corruption O.U. for the competent evaluation. Moreover, in relation to the abovementioned 4 cases, Leonardo S.p.a. took certain disciplinary actions for other verified violations of its Code of Ethics (i.e. conflict of interest, breach of procurement procedure).

Press releases

19.07.2024 - 17:13
Leonardo’s anti-corruption leadership confirmed with management system certification renewal
Leonardo has been confirmed as a leading company in the fight against corruption. The company’s commitment against bribery and enhancing the related risk prevention system, in the area of global security technologies, are the main factors behind the renewal of the Anti-Corruption System Certification, which was issued by RINA, pursuant to the standard ISO 37001:2016 “Anti-bribery Management Systems”- the first international standard in the sector.

28.07.2021 - 11:00
Leonardo at the top in anti-corruption. “Anti-bribery Management Systems” certification confirmed
Leonardo has been re-certified as compliant with the ISO 37001:2016 standard, recognising the Company’s commitment to anti-corruption, its targeted risk assessment, stringent internal controls and awareness-raising campaigns

24.07.2018 - 17:30
Leonardo Spa is the first company among the top ten global players in the Aerospace, Defense and Security sector to obtain ISO 37001:2016 "Anti bribery management systems" certification, the first international standard for anti-corruption management systems.