Leonardo participates in regional, national and supranational initiatives and programmes funding research and innovation in military and civil spheres, including major European programmes such as the European Defence Fund (EDF), European Defence Agency (EDA), Horizon Europe, Italy’s National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP), and National Military Research Plan (PNRM). Leonardo also participates in strategic initiatives in National and Regional Technology Clusters, such as chairing the National Aerospace Technology Cluster.
Air Combat Capabilities
FITS4TOP - Future Integrated Training Solution for TOP gun
European Defence Fund (EDF)
Definition of a new training concept that, on the basis of the needs of the air forces of the participating European nations, sets forth a common path based on the availability of an integrated training system, which will be developed and validated through the creation of a prototype. The training system will be studied from the point of view of evolution of new technologies, such as embedded simulation and augmented reality.
ATM (Air Traffic Management)
FCDI – Future Connectivity and Digital Infrastructure
Specification and development of communication technologies for the support and management of operational services in future air traffic management systems. By making wider use of public networks, the FCDI will optimise economic efficiency by enabling scalability and sustainability of the communication infrastructure with a broader spectrum and use of existing public infrastructure. It will also enable global interoperability of this infrastructure, using alternative protocols in response to specific technical, commercial and regulatory requirements.
For more information: SESAR 3 programme: new funding for 12 Leonardo research projects
Future Connectivity and Digital Infrastructure (FCDI)
SESAR: Leonardo’s contribution to the future of Air Traffic Management
Cyber Defence, Cyber Resilience, Situation Awareness
ECYSAP – European CYber Situational Awareness Platform
EDIDP 2019
Development and implementation of a European operational platform enabling real-time cyber situational awareness, in order to outline an accurate picture of cyber risks at all stages in operational missions and provide rapid-response defensive capabilities and decision-making support for military personnel engaged in national and European Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) operations. The system will guarantee an automated and deployable real-time cyber defence response in the area involved in the operations. The project is related to EUMILCOM, a PESCO (Permanent Structured Cooperation) project concerned with a strategic command and control (C2) system for CSDP missions and operations.
For more information: ECYSAP – the cyber situational awareness platform for the defence of the European Union
FACT – Federated Advanced Cyber physical Test range
European Defence Fund
Kongsberg defence & aerospace
Implementation of a common, federated European solution for conducting cyber-physical tests. Specifically, a laboratory for cyber resilience testing will be set up, employing a common architecture and shared tools capable of managing tests from different specialised environments against various types of computer vulnerabilities. The project aims to reduce the cyber-attack surface of today’s defence systems, which are often integrated with IoT (Internet of Things) devices, through new cybersecurity solutions.
Digital Continuum - Artificial Intelligence
FaRADAI – Frugal and Robust AI for Defence Advanced Intelligence
European Defence Fund
Centre for Research & Technology Hellas (CERTH)
Development of autonomous and "frugal" learning technologies for artificial intelligence, which allow systems to adapt and learn from their environment at a sustainable cost, without the intervention of expert developers. The project focuses on the technological challenge of applying artificial intelligence to the world of Defence, taking advantage of relevant experiences emerging from civil research with the aim of improvement and broader application of overall performance.
STORE – Shared daTabase for Optronics image Recognition and Evaluation
European Defence Fund
Development of image recognition systems based on artificial intelligence to accelerate decision-making processes in the Armed Forces and to improve their situational awareness, reactivity and survival. The project also envisages the creation of a European database of categorised defence images, permitting detection and recognition of new threats so as to counter their evolution. STORE specifically addresses three case scenarios based on different types of threat: tanks and infantry vehicles, drones and drone swarms, and hypersonic threats. The project involves the creation of advanced infrastructure for the sharing and benchmarking of data and codes, development of models based on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (AI/ML), and development of federated learning methods permitting the sharing of classified data.
Digital Continuum - Digital Twins
MATISSE – Model bAsed engineering of digital Twins for early verification and validation of Industrial Systems
European Defence Fund (EDF)
Malardalens Universitet
Design and testing of a model-based platform for efficient and continuous engineering of federated digital twins and sharing of a digital twin of the overall system resulting from shared aggregation mechanisms. Through this platform, the project proposes services based on digital twinning for verification, prediction and monitoring, aimed at improving the design and federation capabilities of digital twins. In collaboration with the Gran Sasso Tech Foundation and with the participation of Thales Alenia Space, Leonardo will focus on a case scenario aimed at creating robotic arms for the provision of satellite services in orbit.
Digital Continuum - HPC
MultiXscale – Centre of Excellence in exascale-oriented application co-design and delivery for multiscale simulations
Horizon Europe - EURO HPC - Joint Undertaking (JU)
Centre for Molecular Modeling (CMM)
Transition to exascale capability (1018 calculations per second) is applied to the field of multi-scale modelling, improving its performance, productivity and portability. The project will implement three socially and industrially significant pilot case scenarios: helicopter design and certification, sustainable energy battery applications, and biomedical and ultrasonic applications. Leonardo is involved in the development of Lattice Boltzmann codes for the simulation of fluid-structure interaction, intended for use in digital twins of aircraft and helicopters.
Digital Continuum - Quantum Technologies
QUID – QUantum Italy Deployment
Digital Europe Programme (DEP)
Nation-wide dissemination of experimental systems and networks in which to implement and test quantum communication technologies, capable of guaranteeing secure communications through Quantum Key Distribution, followed by integration with existing communication systems. Use of these systems and networks to develop case scenarios of use in national initiatives supporting the EURO Quantum Communication Initiative.
For more information:
Leonardo is a key player in the QUID project that kicks off a quantum communication network in Italy
Ecosystem of Innovation
DAMAS – Digital innovation hub for AutoMotive and AeroSpace
Digital Europe Programme (DEP)
DAMAS is the only Italian European Digital Innovation Hub aimed at supporting the green digital transformation of the supply chains of two key sectors in the Italian economy - the Aerospace and Automotive industries - with a focus on two strategic technologies: High Performance Computing (HPC) and Artificial Intelligence (AI). Drawing on soft skills, advanced supercomputing infrastructure, innovative simulation and digital testing laboratories, best-in-class financial instruments and access points throughout the country, DAMAS offers innovative, personalised digitisation paths for companies wishing to improve their competitiveness, both within the country and internationally.
Microelectronics and Processors
AGAMI_EURIGAMI - EURopean Innovative GaN Advanced Microwave Integration
European Defence Fund (EDF)
United Monolithic Semiconductors GmbH
Setting up a competitive and strategic European supply chain for high-performance radiofrequency electronic components employing gallium nitride (GaN) technology, required in current and future military operations. The project covers the entire gallium nitride supply chain, from the supply of epitaxial layers to component packaging and integration into modern electronic defence systems. The project focuses in particular on improving the technology and resilience against electrical and environmental interference of GaN components and devices, applicable to radar and electronic warfare, in order to achieve better performance and a higher degree of device protection in complex environments such as military scenarios.
EPI SGA 2 – European Processor Initiative – Specific Grant Agreement 2
Horizon 2020 – Joint Technology Initiative (JTI) – Euro HPC
Design and implementation of a new family of European processors for high-performance computing, developing the processors of the previous EDI SGA 1 project. Considering that digital sovereignty is becoming a crucial requirement for the EU - as it transitions from the role of end user of ICT technologies to that of key producer of solutions and skills - the project will permit development of specifically European know-how in this area, guaranteeing Europe’s independence and autonomy from non-EU companies.
TRISTAN – Together for RISc-V Technology and ApplicatioNs
Horizon Europe – Key Digital Technologies (KDT) – Joint Undertaking (JU) 2021-1-IA
NXP Semiconductors GmbH
Further Europe-wide development of RISC-V architecture, an open standard of instruction sets based on the principle of the reduced instruction set computer (RISC), in order to create an open-source ecosystem for the design of innovative integrated circuits, with benefits for European competitiveness and productivity in the sector. The project involves the creation of a software development platform and an operational demonstrator. Leonardo will focus on new processors applicable to the autonomy of robots and drones and on other possible scenarios, such as avionics systems and smart cities.
CONNECTOR - CustOms exteNded iNteroperablE Common informaTiOn shaRing environment
Horizon Europe Civil Security (Cluster 3)
Creation of a platform integrating different types of data to provide decision makers with situational awareness in maritime contexts. CONNECTOR extends data exchange to include numerous stakeholders, such as customs and border guards. Leonardo will be the point of contact for construction of Data Lake and Data Analytics facilities, coordinating the work of the consortium developing the solution. The CONNECTOR project is the follow-up to the PROMENADE project.
EC2 – European Command and Control System
European Defence Fund (EDF)
Development of a future strategic command and control system for the European Union using features based on artificial intelligence, cloud computing, service-oriented architecture, data centre security/multi-level security and multi-domain solutions, with the aim of integrating C2 (Command and Control) capabilities with existing EU, NATO and national C2 systems and those under development.
EDOCC – European Defence Operational Collaborative Cloud
European Defence Fund (EDF)
Development of a European multi-domain virtual platform based on cloud technologies to increase the interoperability, efficiency and resilience of military operations. Taking into account multiple operational requirements and constraints, and bringing together national and supranational solutions, the project aims to establish an open, autonomous environment for management of operational services on the battlefield, particularly as regards secure communications and cybersecurity. EDOCC involves key players in the European defence industry (Airbus, Leonardo, Indra and Rheinmetall) and will in turn support the ECoWAR (Eu Collaborative Warfare Capabilities) project, currently connected and developed in the context of PESCO (PErmanent Structured COoperation).
J-CUAS - Joint European system for Countering Unmanned Aerial Systems
EDIDP 2020
Specification, design and validation, through a technological demonstrator, of an integrated anti-drone solution (C-UAS – Counter Uncrewed Aircraft System), interoperable with security and defence systems on the basis of the most advanced operational concepts. The project aims to develop a next-generation anti-drone system to deal with the growing threats posed by micro- and mini-drones, increasing situational awareness and improving response times and capabilities.
MILSCA – MILitary Space Cloud Architecture
Italy’s National Military Research Plan (NMRP)
Definition of a space-based cloud platform offering high-performance computing and storage to government and military users, preparatory to the creation of a constellation of satellites providing “anytime/anywhere” services. The infrastructure meets the need for secure data and information management in multi-domain/multi-nation operations and reduces the need for movement of infrastructure and data in tactical operations on land. The project involves analysis of operational scenarios, study of user-level performance, and definition of cloud architecture in space, which will be tested through a prototype Space System Digital Twin and development and testing of the LEO/MEO antenna demonstrator. Technologically innovative aspects include integration of technologies in the space, terrestrial and cyber domains, development of a High-Performance Computing system on board a spacecraft, and the consequent ability to run AI and Big Data algorithms, both directly in Space – near the sensors – and wherever they are needed on Earth.
For more information: Leonardo: kick off for the project of the first Space Cloud System for defence
SEAFENCE – Multi-domain system for the protection of critical infrastructure (for ports and sensitive sites)
Italy’s National Military Research Plan (NMRP)
Development of a technological demonstrator for an Early Warning protection system for ports and other sensitive sites, applicable in deep or shallow, friendly or hostile waters. The system employs an integrated network of multilayer sensors (internal, intermediate, external) for advance identification of threats from uncrewed surface and underwater vehicles (UUV), midget and regular submarines, Deep Diving Vehicles (DDV) and divers. Sensors and collector nodes locally process the signals acquired, transmitting them via an underwater wireless network to a surface node and then to a C2 (Command and Control) platform capable of integrating data from other surface/air/satellite platforms and coordinating the reaction. The sensors are easily deployable, scalable over large areas, maintainable and rechargeable by UUV. Nodes are fixed and mobile (underwater robotic systems patrolling the area) to ensure integrated monitoring at different distances from the targets/areas of interest.
ARTURO – Advanced Radar Technology in eUROpe
European Defence Fund (EDF)
Development of solutions to meet the future operational needs of Defence, based on extensive use of emerging radar technologies in Europe. The project will consolidate state of the art of technologies, emerging concepts and trends in the field of radar, in-depth analysis of operational requirements and the current evolution of threats and environments in various countries.
TIRESYAS – Technology Innovation for Radar European SYstem ApplicationS
European Defence Fund
Development of new radar technologies by increasing sensor resilience. In continuity with the cooperation that began with the EDF-2021 ARTURO project, the TIRESYAS project will develop new approaches to radar surveillance and target tracking, using innovative algorithms capable of combining different radar architectures and evolving towards a new generation of fully digital multi-role, multi-domain and multi-platform radar systems.
INTEGRAL – Innovative and iNteroperable TEchnologies for space Global Recognition and ALert
EDIDP 2020
Study, design, prototyping and testing of an Advanced Space Command & Control (SC2) system capable of providing a recognised and comprehensive space image that acquires and merges data from different sources, with the aim of developing Military Space Situational Awareness through cooperation between Member States. The SC2 solution will make it possible to: obtain services and functionalities capable of providing military space intelligence capabilities, managing data coming from national SSA (Space Situational Awareness) sensors and other national centres, and managing the federation of national Command and Control (C2) systems through a secure network for the exchange of data and information. The architecture will be flexible, modular and open, in order to allow any Member State to use the full set or a subset of functionalities, as appropriate for its national requirements.
ODINS’S EYE (1 e 2) – multinatiOnal Development INitiative for a Space-based missile EarlY-warning architecturEProgramme
European Defence Fund (EDF)
Development of the European Space-Based Missile Early Warning (SBMEW) architecture already launched under the European Defence Industrial Development Programme (EDIDP) in 2020. The Member States' objective is to develop a common alert capability, in order to respond to current and future threats to the security of the European Union.
SURPRISE – SUper-Resolved comPRessive InStrument in the visible and medium infrared for Earth observation applications
Bando H2020 Space (Cluster 4)
Development of an electro-optical satellite component for Earth observation based on the compressive sensing technique – which limits the number of samples needed to reconstruct a pattern using an innovative spatial light modulator. The aim is to improve capabilities with regard to spatial resolution, on-board data processing and encryption functions, currently conditioned by revisit times and spatial resolution. By introducing for the first time a payload whose design provides for an average spatial resolution and practically non-stop revisits from hour to hour, SURPRISE could revolutionise Earth observation and integrate existing operational services. Leonardo took care of the aspects involving evaluation of the project's results, with a view to the upcoming ESA/ASI Earth observation space missions.
EECONE – European ECOsystem for greeN Electronics
Horizon Europe - Key Digital Technologies (KDT) – Joint Undertaking (JU)
Ensure the eco-sustainability of electronic components and systems technologies, so that they can easily be reused, disposed of and integrated into various future-generation avionics structures, on the basis of the principles of the circular economy. The project also aims to develop a European value chain centring around this technology, reducing its environmental impact in line with the goals of the European Green Deal. Leonardo's activity focuses specifically on the creation of electronic sensors, designed to be embedded in aeronautical structures so as to monitor their state of wear.
HERA – Hybrid-Electric Regional Aircraft
Horizon Europe – Clean Aviation
Coming up with a regional aircraft concept featuring hybrid electric propulsion and performance, integrating state-of-the-art technologies to ensure regular operability. HERA will also define the key features of a real demonstrator and the corresponding flight tests, planned for the second part of Clean Aviation (the new name of the Clean Sky programme), in order to prepare for implementation on a real product destined to begin service in the middle of the next decade.
For more information: The Clean Sky programme becomes Clean Aviation
Technologies for Rotary Wing
ENGRT - Eu Next Generation Rotorcraft Technologies
European Defence Fund
Airbus Helicopter
Analysis and evaluation of the military requirements and operational environment of future rotary wing aircraft, including but not limited to naval and coastal operations and maritime transport capabilities, in order to provide the best exchange solutions for the key technologies and rotorcraft configurations best qualified for each selected mission. The project also aims to determine the best classification of helicopter market segments. The topic of tactical air transport applied to VTOL (Vertical Take-off and Landing) aircraft has been identified as a priority by the EU, in order to maintain and increase its sovereignty over rotorcraft technologies and its leadership in this area, also in view of the considerable investment required to develop new cutting-edge technologies for the helicopters of the future.