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After a formation at the Liceo Classico Mariano Buratti in Viterbo, Carlo Liorni studied Physics at the university La Sapienza in Rome, obtaining the BSc in 2014 with a thesis about neutrino oscillations. The subsequent MSc. in the same university was focused on quantum optics and computational solid-state physics. Carlo graduated with a master thesis on the topic of quantum optics for quantum simulations, with the Title “Non-Markovian evolution of quantum systems via linear optics”. During this activity he developed considerable experimental skills in bulk and in-fibre optics, sources of entangled photons and data analysis. Furthermore, he continued the lab activity with a period as collaborator (with a duration of about six months) after the graduation. Carlo then moved to Germany to work as a PhD student at the Heinrich-Heine-Universität in Düsseldorf, as part of the Innovative Training Network QCall, funded by the Marie Curie actions of the European Union. Under the supervision of Prof. D. Bruss and H. Kampermann, Carlo studied several topics about quantum communications based on satellite links, the effect of the atmosphere on the transmission of quantum states and the use of quantum repeaters in this field. During this experience, he also participated to several complementary skills workshops and performed research visits around Europe:
– 2019 Workshop on Good Scientific Practice for doctoral researchers, Düsseldorf, Germany
– 2019 One month research visit, Research visit at the Electrical Engineering School of the University of Leeds (UK). Local supervisor: Mohsen Razavi.
– 2019 QTEC Quantum Technology Enterprise Centre: Workshop on Business and Entrepreneurship Mondello, Italy
– 2018 One month research visit, Research visit at the Information Engineering Department of the University of Padova (Italy). Local supervisor: Paolo Villoresi.
– 2018 Presentation skills: Let’s talk about Science Padova, Italy
– 2017 Project management and communication skills Leeds, United Kingdom.
Carlo obtained his PhD in 2021 and at the same time he joined as a research fellow in the Leonardo Lab in the Quantum Technologies section, located in Rome. His main fields of interest and research are quantum cryptography, quantum networks and quantum random number generation, for which he contributes to several projects at EU and national level and leads the internal research activities (theoretical and experimental). He also supports the other research lines in the quantum area, e.g., quantum computing and quantum imaging.
Quantum communication, quantum cryptography, satellite communication, quantum networks, quantum computing, quantum imaging.
Quantum repeaters in space, C. Liorni, H. Kampermann, D. Bruß, New J. Phys. 23 053021 (2021)
Satellite-based links for Quantum Key Distribution: beam effects and weather dependence, C. Liorni, H. Kampermann, D. Bruß, New J. Phys. 21 093055 (2019).
A novel bulk-optic scheme for quantum walks with high phase-stability, A. Geraldi, L. D. Bonavena, C. Liorni, P. Mataloni, Á. Cuevas, Condens. Matter 2019, 4(1), 14 (2019).
All-optical implementation of collision-based evolutions of open quantum systems, Á. Cuevas, A. Geraldi, C. Liorni, L. D. Bonavena, A. De Pasquale, F. Sciarrino, V. Giovannetti, P. Mataloni, Scientific Reports 9, 3205 (2019).
2019 QCALL Early Stage Researchers Conference Mondello, Italy, Satellite- vs Ground-based quantum networks and the role of quantum repeaters, talk.
2019 QCrypt 2019 Montreal, Canada, Satellite- vs Ground-based quantum networks and the role of quantum repeaters, poster presentation.
2019 DPG Spring Meeting 2019 Rostock, Germany Satellite-based links for Quantum Key Distribution: beam effects and weather dependence, talk.
2018 School of Quantum Communications Networks (SQCN) Padova, Italy Satellite-based links for Quantum Key Distribution: beam effects and weather dependence, poster presentation.
2018 QCrypt 2018 Shanghai, China, Satellite-based links for Quantum Key Distribution: beam effects and weather dependence, poster presentation.
2018 School of Quantum Secure Communications (SQSC) Baiona, Spain, A novel model for satellite-based QKD links, poster presentation.
2018 DPG Spring Meeting 2018 Erlangen, Germany, Satellite-based quantum links for Quantum Key Distribution, poster presentation.
2017 Quantum 2017 Turin, Italy, Non-Markovian evolution of quantum systems via linear optics, poster presentation.