Leonardo: filing notice

Rome,  14 March 2025 19:28

According to applicable law and regulations, you are hereby notified that the Annual Financial Report as at 31 December 2024 also drafted pursuant to art. 154-ter of the TUF (“Integrated Report”, including the Leonardo S.p.a. Draft Annual Financial Statements 2024, the Leonardo Group Consolidated Financial Statements 2024 and the Management Report, containing the Consolidated Sustainability Statement pursuant to Legislative Decree No. 125/2024, as well as the written declarations pursuant to article 154-bis, paragraphs 5 and 5-ter, of Legislative Decree No. 58/98), complete with the relevant Reports of the Independent Auditors and the Board of Statutory Auditors, is available at the Company’s head office in Rome, Piazza Monte Grappa 4, at Borsa Italiana S.p.A., on the Company’s website www.leonardo.com (Investors/Results and Reports Section) as well as on the website of the authorized storage mechanism “eMarketStorage” (www.emarketstorage.com).

Furthermore, documentation required by art. 2429, paragraphs 3 and 4 of the Italian Civil Code as well as, pursuant to art. 15 of Consob “Market Regulations”, the accounting status of the relevant foreign subsidiaries not based in the European Union, prepared for the purpose of the Consolidated Results, will be available at the Company’s headquarters within the terms established by current regulations.