Mergers and Acquisitions

Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) transactions, including acquisition, disposal, merger, demerger, transfer or asset deal, strategic alliance and partnership transactions, take place in compliance with applicable domestic and international regulations and with the principles provided for in Leonardo Group’s Code of Ethics and Anti-corruption Code, as well as in the Organisational, Management and Control Model pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/2001.

As general principles set out in the related Leonardo’s procedure, the M&A process require segregation of responsibilities, a system of defined signatory powers consistent with the organisational and management responsibilities assigned, clarity and simplicity, impartiality and absence of conflicts of interest, traceability and storage of all the activities and relevant controls. The process requires also to conduct compliance due diligence of the counterparties in all M&A transactions.

Leonardo established the M&A Committee, an internal body, at management level, in charge of approving every M&A transaction and of monitoring the progress before and after their final approval and completion. The relevant Board of Directors of the Group companies, cannot ultimately approve M&A transactions without the prior approval of the M&A Committee.

In addition, in the presence of Related Parties Transactions, the specific Related Parties Procedure applies. For the related contents please refer to the section Corporate Governance/Related Parties Transactions. 

The Group Internal Audit, reporting to the Board of Directors, referring to the Internal Audit Plan risk based, periodically performs independent audits to verify compliance of M&A transactions with related procedure.

Leonardo and Rheinmetall have decided to establish a joint venture aiming at forming a new European nucleus for the development and production of military combat vehicles in Europe. The companies had already signed a corresponding Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in Rome at the beginning of July 2024

With reference to the press release issued on 19th June 2024, Leonardo announced the closing, on 11th July 2024, of the transaction to sell its stake in Industria Italiana Autobus to Seri Industrial S.p.A.

Leonardo announced on 9th May 2024, the signing of a definitive agreement to sell its Underwater Armaments Systems (UAS) business line to Fincantieri for an Enterprise Value consideration comprising a fixed component amounting to € 300 million, subject to the usual price adjustment mechanisms, plus a variable component of up to € 115 million subject to the achievement of certain 2024 performance targets, making for a total Enterprise Value up to €415 million. Closing of the transaction is expected at the beginning of 2025 and is subject to the usual customary regulatory approval.

Leonardo announced the completion on November 21, 2023 of an upsized public secondary offering in the United States by Leonardo US Holding, LLC, Leonardo’s subsidiary, of a minority stake of 20,700,000 shares of common stock of Leonardo DRS, Inc. (“DRS”) at an offering price of $17.75 per share, which includes 18,000,000 initially offered shares as well as the exercise in full on November 17, 2023 by the underwriters of their option to purchase an additional 2,700,000 shares of DRS’s common stock from the Selling Stockholder. All of the shares in the offering were sold by the Selling Stockholder. DRS did not receive any proceeds from the offering. Following completion of the offering, given that the underwriters exercised in full their option to purchase
an additional 2,700,000 shares, the Selling Stockholder holds approximately 72.3% of the issued and outstanding shares of common stock in DRS.

Leonardo announces that on 1st May 2023 its wholly-onwed subsidiary Selex ES, LLC – operating in the US - has completed the sale of its air navigation radio aids business, to Indra Air Traffic, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of the Spanish company Indra Sistemas S.A

Leonardo announced on 29th November 2022 the completion of the all-stock merger between its US subsidiary Leonardo DRS, Inc. (“Leonardo DRS”) and RADA Electronic Industries Ltd. (“RADA”), together also becoming a combined publicly listed company (the “Combined Company”).

On 1st August 2022 Leonardo announced that its US subsidiary Leonardo DRS has completed the sale of its Global Enterprise Solutions business (GES) to SES. 

Leonardo on 3 January 2022 completed the acquisition from Square Lux Holding II S.à r.l., a portfolio company controlled by funds advised by Kohlberg Kravis & Roberts & Co. L.P, of 25.1% of the shares in HENSOLDT AG (“HENSOLDT”), a leading German player in the field of sensors for defence and security applications, with an expanding portfolio in sensors, data management and robotics, for a cash consideration of € 606 million.

This transaction is a step forward in helping to achieve Leonardo’s strategic objective of acquiring a leadership position in the European Defence Electronics market, as defined by the "Be Tomorrow - Leonardo 2030" Plan, and reflects Leonardo's determination to play an active role in the consolidation process underway, also in the light of future cooperation programmes in continental Europe

Leonardo announced on 8 April 2020 the closing of the acquisition of Kopter Group AG (Kopter) from Lynwood (Schweiz). The purchase price, on a cash and debt free basis, consists of a $185 million fixed component plus an earn-out mechanism linked to certain milestones over the life of the programme, starting from 2022.

The acquisition of Kopter allows Leonardo to further strengthen its worldwide leadership and position in the rotorcraft sector, in line with the Industrial Plan’s objectives for the reinforcement of the core businesses

On 31 January 2019 Leonardo announced the closing of the purchase of 98.54% of Vitrociset which offers specialised services and solutions for complex systems in the fields of Defense and Security, Space, Transport and Critical Infrastructures. Leonardo now holds 100% of the share capital of Vitrociset.

On 7 March 2017, Leonardo, through the US subsidiary Leonardo DRS, has signed a definitive agreement to purchase Daylight Solutions, Inc., a leading developer and supplier of quantum cascade laser products and technology.

Nel corso del 2013 è stata perfezionata la cessione della divisione motori aeronautici di Avio S.p.A. (indirettamente partecipata al 14,3% da Finmeccanica attraverso la BCV Investments SCA) a General Electric.

L’operazione è stata perfezionata in data 1° agosto 2013 a un corrispettivo netto di riferimento pari a €mil. 1.800.

Il 31 marzo 2017 ha avuto luogo il closing dell’operazione di acquisto, da parte di Space2, Leonardo e In Orbit*, dell’intero capitale di Avio non già posseduto da Leonardo, rappresentativo dell’85,68. L’ulteriore quota acquisita da Leonardo corrisponde a circa il 27% di Avio, per un esborso di circa € 43 milioni.

*In Orbit è una società detenuta da alcuni manager di Avio

In data 10 aprile 2017, a conclusione dell’iter procedurale relativo alla fusione e della contestuale quotazione di Avio sul Mercato MTA / segmento Star di Borsa Italiana, Leonardo viene a detenere il 28% circa della società.

In data 31 dicembre 2017, a seguito dell’effetto di diluizione derivante dalla conversione dei market warrant, Leonardo possiede il 25,88% del capitale sociale di Avio S.p.a.

In data 23 dicembre 2016 Leonardo ha acquisito il restante 60% del capitale di Sistemi Dinamici da IDS SpA. Con l’operazione Leonardo acquisisce il 100% del capitale di Sistemi Dinamici e il pieno controllo del programma “Unmanned Hero”, rafforzando ulteriormente il suo impegno nel settore.

In data 23 dicembre 2013 è stata perfezionata l’operazione di cessione da parte di Finmeccanica di una quota pari al 39,55% del capitale di Ansaldo Energia, per un controvalore di €mil. 277.

La restante quota del 15% di Finmeccanica verrà ceduta, attraverso un meccanismo di opzioni put&call, tra il 30 giugno 2017 e il 31 dicembre 2017, con un incasso di 117 milioni di euro, più interessi del 6% pro rata temporis.

Il contratto di cessione prevede, inoltre, la possibilità per Finmeccanica di ricevere un earn-out a valere sui risultati di Ansaldo Energia nel triennio 2014 – 2016 fino a complessivi €mil. 130, oltre alla previsione di possibili indennizzi a carico di Finmeccanica in relazione a specifiche fattispecie.

Nel più ampio processo di riassetto e rafforzamento dell’industria elettromeccanica italiana, Finmeccanica e Fondo Strategico Italiano hanno anche concordato di valutare opportunità relative ad operazioni strategiche nell’ambito del comparto ferroviario, anche attraverso il coinvolgimento di importanti operatori internazionali.

Il 23 dicembre 2014 si è chiusa l’operazione di costituzione dell’Industria Italiana Autobus (“IIA”), partecipata all’80% da King Long Italia (KLI) e al 20% da Finmeccanica, in cui è confluito il complesso aziendale di KLI e un ramo d’azienda di BredaMenarinibus (comprendente tutte le attività industriali, con l’eccezione di alcuni contratti pregressi).

In data 24 febbraio 2015 Hitachi e Finmeccanica S.p.A. hanno sottoscritto un accordo vincolante per l’acquisto da parte di Hitachi dell’attuale business di AnsaldoBreda (ad esclusione di alcune attività di revamping e di determinati contratti residuali), nonché dell’intera partecipazione in Ansaldo STS (40%)

Il 2 novembre  2015 ha avuto luogo il closing delle operazioni relative all’acquisto da parte di Hitachi dell’attuale business di AnsaldoBreda S.p.A., nonché dell’intera partecipazione detenuta da Finmeccanica in Ansaldo STS S.p.A.

Il 6 ottobre 2015 Finmeccanica S.p.A. ha sottoscritto con DANIELI Group l'accordo per la cessione del 100% di Fata S.p.A. , attiva nella progettazione di impianti industriali, e delle sue subsidiaries in USA (Fata Hunter), India (Fata Engineering), Cina (Fata Shanghai) ed EAU (Fata Gulf)