Rome, 23 May 2023 19:12
At today's meeting, the Leonardo Board of Directors proceeded to reconstitute its internal Committees, confirming the respective tasks to the same previously assigned.
Such Committees, also envisaged in compliance with the Corporate Governance Code, with preliminary, propositive and consultative functions to support the activities of the administrative body in the areas of their respective competence, are composed consistently with the recommendations of the aforementioned Code.
Control and Risks Committee, which also acts as Committee for Related Parties Transactions (composed of 5 non-executive and majority independent Directors):
- Mrs. Silvia STEFINI (Chairman - Independent)
- Mr. Trifone ALTIERI (Independent)
- Mrs. Dominique LEVY (Independent)
- Mrs. Cristina MANARA (Independent)
- Mr. Marcello SALA
The Committee’s composition is consistent with the recommendation, by the Corporate Governance Code, about the presence of at least one member with knowledge and experience in accounting and finance or risk management, as well about the Committee’s expertise consistent with the Company’s business sector.
Remuneration Committee (composed of 5 non-executive and all independent Directors):
- Mrs. Enrica GIORGETTI (Chairman - Independent)
- Mr. Trifone ALTIERI (Independent)
- Mr. Giancarlo GHISLANZONI (Independent)
- Mrs. Elena VASCO (Independent)
- Mr. Steven Duncan WOOD (Independent)
The Committee’s composition is consistent with the recommendation, by the Corporate Governance Code, about the presence of at least one member with knowledge and experience in financial matters or remuneration policies.
Nomination and Governance Committee (composed of 5 non-executive and all independent Directors):
- Mrs. Elena VASCO (Chairman - Independent)
- Mrs. Enrica GIORGETTI (Independent)
- Mrs. Dominique LEVY (Independent)
- Mr. Francesco MACRÌ (Independent)
- Mrs. Silvia STEFINI (Independent)
Sustainability and Innovation Committee (composed of 5 non-executive and majority independent Directors):
- Mrs. Cristina MANARA (Chairman - Independent)
- Mr. Giancarlo GHISLANZONI (Independent)
- Mr. Francesco MACRÌ (Independent)
- Mr. Marcello SALA
- Mr. Steven Duncan WOOD (Independent)
At today's meeting, the Board of Directors also appointed the Director Giancarlo GHISLANZONI as Lead Independent Director.
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Finally, with reference to what reported in the press release issued on 19 May last, the Company - in confirming the contents of merit reported therein – specifies, with regard to the internal processes concerning the assessment of the absence of severance payments or other benefits linked to the termination of Mr. Alessandro Profumo's office, that the Board acknowledged it only during today's meeting.