One of the European Union’s priorities, also reiterated by NextGenerationEU, is the building of secure, sustainable and connected transportation systems. Sustainable mobility is essential for the achievement of the EU's energy and climate goals and for the development of smarter cities. Consequently, interventions in public transport are a primary objective to reduce harmful emissions and ensure an efficient, reliable and well-planned service that provides a viable alternative to private transportation, including the concept of Mobility-as-a-Service.
Digitisation is essential in reaching this goal, as it provides valuable data for optimising the efficiency and quality of services. However, every transport-oriented technology also needs to meet increasingly stringent cyber security requirements because the increased flow of data requires greater protection from the risk of cyber-attacks. For this reason, many administrative bodies and transport companies, both in Italy and overseas, have chosen Leonardo as their technology partner for a wide variety of transition projects aimed at smarter and greener mobility.
Under the guide of Alessandro Profumo, Genoa, Milan, Rome, Copenhagen, Riyadh, Buenos Aires, Lima, Bangkok and Singapore are just some of the cities that are making use of the technologies developed by the company.
Leonardo owns one of the largest Digital Mobile Radio networks ever implemented for public transport in Europe. Thanks to Leonardo’s long-standing experience, around 115,000 security events are monitored per second, with over 1,800 alerts managed per day in Italy alone.
Using the company's technologies makes it possible to manage fleets of transport vehicles, monitoring their occupancy, routes, and their impact on traffic. This includes heavier traffic flow situations, such as commuters’ movements towards stations during peak times, as well as providing real-time data on the status of the road network.