Leonardo with the ITS of Lazio and Campania, to train future radar systems specialists

25 September 2024

“Specialist in Design, Testing and Integration of Radar Systems”. This is the qualification that will be obtained by the students who will attend the course, born from the collaboration between Leonardo and the Higher Technical Institutes of Lazio and Campania, to prepare professionals profiles in the Defence and Security strategic field.

The call for the new course for “Specialised technicians in Design, Testing and Integration of Radar Systems” has been published, scheduled in Rome and Ercolano (Naples, Italy), and born from the collaboration between Leonardo and the ITS Meccatronico del Lazio and ITS Campania MA.ME. Foundations.

The course is aimed at students who have obtained a high school diploma and who wish to start a professional career in a rapidly growing and strategic technological sector for the needs of modern Defence and Security systems.

The two-year study path, developed with the contribution of Leonardo professionals, will offer a complete and in-depth overview of the design of radar systems, validation and advanced integration techniques in complex systems and practical applications in land and naval environments. Practical training periods are planned at Leonardo's sites, to immediately apply the knowledge acquired in a real context.

The ITS Academies present in Italy are highly specialised post-diploma technological training schools, parallel to the academic courses, lasting two years and which allow the achievement of the title of Higher Technician. By integrating the needs of education and training with those of the world of work, the ITS Academies train technical profiles equipped not only with the skills defined by the schools, but also with the capabilities required by companies.

In the ITS Academies in which Leonardo is a founding member, teaching staff from the Group alternate in the classes during the two-year training period, helping to transfer the professional skills necessary to meet the needs of the labor market and act as a driving force for the growth of the industrial fabric and the territory. 

Click here to join the call of the ITS Meccatronico Foundation of Lazio - Applications will be received until October 18, 2024, 1 pm, CET.

Click here to join the call of the ITS Campania MA.ME. Foundation - Applications will be received until January 27, 2025.