08 June 2021
On 2 June, Leonardo, Coordinator of the SESAR PJ14 W2-I CNSS, gave a presentation about the new communication system L-DACS (L-band Digital Aeronautical Communications System) during the second webinar of a series dedicated by SESAR JU to this topic. This second one focussed on the technical details and capabilities of LDACS for communications and integrated Communications, Navigation and Surveillance.
L-DACS is the future terrestrial data link for aviation currently under ICAO standardisation. It is a secure, scalable and spectrum-efficient high-rate data link and it guarantees bandwidth, low latency, and high continuity of service for safety critical air traffic services (ATS) applications while simultaneously accommodating less safety-critical airline operation centres (AOC) services.
In particular, the webinar introduced the L-DACS technical aspects, with Leonardo presenting the L-DACS architecture, with the principles at the basis of its development, the architecture for both ground and airborne side, underlining how the L-DACS integration with the FCI (Future Communication Infrastructure) will be validated in the frame of the activities carried out under SESAR JU project PJ.14.