European Defence, industry calls for more resources and coordination

05 September 2024

The European Defence industry requires more investment and better cooperation between EU member states to overcome political, military and industrial fragmentation. This is highlighted by the study “Peace through security: the strategic role of digital technologies”, conducted by TEHA (The European House - Ambrosetti) Group in collaboration with Leonardo, analysed in the article by Gianni Dragoni in “Il Sole 24 Ore”.

Europe invests less and not as efficiently in Defence compared to the US, with military spending that could be optimised through greater collaboration, potentially saving up to EUR 44.7 billion per year. In 2023, the total investment of EU NATO member states was EUR 390 billion or 1.78% of GDP, while the US spent around USD 866 billion (3.2% of GDP).

The survey also shows the strategic dependence on non-European suppliers, with 78% of the additional military expenditure of EU NATO member states used for acquisitions from non-EU countries. The United States is the main supplier, with 80% of non-European acquisitions. In this context, the EU industry is called upon to follow a transnational collaboration model to reduce fragmentation and increase efficiency.

As Lorenzo Mariani, Leonardo's Co-General Manager, highlights, the study confirms “the importance of Leonardo's strategic vision: on the one hand, investment in the most advanced digital technologies, to strengthen competitiveness and respond to global security challenges, also thanks to the contribution of cybersecurity and Space; on the other hand, European alliances to reduce industrial fragmentation and foster the creation of champions capable of developing advanced systems.”