How we can protect an entirely digitised world

30 April 2024

Digitalisation and cyber security are two cornerstones for the present and future of the national and global industrial landscape. The need to protect data and infrastructure arises particularly in connection with global monitoring, whereby data from disparate sources can be acquired, integrated and correlated through digital infrastructure to derive useful and timely information. Alberto Quarati discusses this in an article in Il Secolo XIX.

The integration between industry and the digital sphere presupposes the ability to generate data from multiple sources, and then manage it with supercomputing tools and artificial intelligence. While digital evolution makes calculations, services and processes more efficient, it also increases the risk of potential exposure to cyberattacks. Data, technologies and infrastructures must be protected and safeguarded.

This is why, alongside the digital evolution of its technological ecosystem, ensured by the davinci-1 supercomputer, Leonardo recognises the importance of cyber security to protect data and infrastructure. The goal is to secure the digital continuum by protecting data throughout its entire lifecycle, from real, to digital, to cloud.

In other words, a “cyber-secure-by-design” approach, developed considering cyber-security aspects from the design stage so as to extract the maximum value and potential from data and ensure the operational continuity of any system.