Cingolani: industry forced to chase.
Hi-tech revolutions are too fast

30 September 2024

Speaking at the general assembly of Confindustria Alto Adriatico, Leonardo CEO and General Manager Roberto Cingolani highlights the speed of technological revolutions, such as artificial intelligence, and the need for up-to-date training so as not to fall behind. Piercarlo Fiumanò writes about this in Il Piccolo.

“In the past, two or three lifetimes were not enough to witness a technological revolution. Today, in 20 to 30 years, you can witness three or four epoch-making changes, as artificial intelligence is today.” Roberto Cingolani emphasises this, explaining how technological change is now extremely rapid, even in the Defence industry.

Innovation is linked to training and skills research, which is an equally essential issue. According to Cingolani, “when we talk about human capital, we must understand that the adjustment of the cultural model, as well as the collaboration between private and industry, or the development of regulation, must take place very quickly.”