Aerotech Academy, the fourth edition's diplomas conferred in Pomigliano d'Arco. Registrations open for the new academic year

05 July 2024

28 students were recently conferred by Leonardo the end-of-year diplomas for the fourth edition of the Aerotech Academy, the advanced training course on cutting-edge engineering topics, born from the collaboration between our company and the University of Naples "Federico II". Registrations are already open for the fifth edition, aimed at 50 students in possession of an educational qualification at least equal to a three-year degree, to be selected through a specific call.

The Aerotech Campus is part of the Leonardo Labs - the network of incubators dedicated to the research and development of advanced and breakthrough technologies - and is one of the reference centres for innovation on materials and production processes for the entire Group. Thanks to the synergy with the Neapolitan University, the Aerotech Academy links training and the workplace, giving impetus to the skills necessary both for a large industry like Leonardo and for small and medium-sized enterprises in the supply chain, generating competitiveness and innovation, for the benefit of territories in which it operates.

The fourth edition of the master's degree explored advanced topics of engineering research and applications of interest to the manufacturing industry, using innovative teaching and learning methodologies. The students, selected through a specific call and already in possession of bachelor's and/or master's degrees in the engineering field, had the opportunity to increase their theoretical skills and develop, at the same time, operational and concrete skills, immediately usable in the Leonardo Group. With this latest edition, around 95 young people will be hired over the four editions, confirming the positive trend recorded by this initiative for entry into professional roles.

During the final ceremony, all the participants presented their project works, which, by inserting themselves into company's areas of interest, contributed to exploring new business lines. The main guiding themes were innovative materials and processes for aeronautical components, intended for new supersonic aircraft, new technologies for the design and creation of e-VTOL (electric Vertical Take Off & Landing), environmental sustainability, recycling, optimization of the use of raw materials and the reduction of climate-altering emissions.


Registrations open for the fifth edition 

After the success of participation seen in the last four years, registrations are already open for the fifth edition of the Aerotech Academy, aimed at students with an educational qualification at least equal to a three-year degree, to be selected through a specific call.

The Academy's training activities are recognised by the University of Naples and are provided by university professors and Leonardo experts. The programme for the 2024/2025 academic year, carried out entirely in English, is organised into three modules:

  • Aerostructures core technologies and beyond
  • Automation, Industry 4.0 and Digital
  • New generation aircraft and uncrewed vehicles, electrification, and sustainability

and is divided into nine full-time months, of which a maximum of five months of classroom training, dedicated to research and higher education in the aerospace sector, and at least four months of project work for research and development, analysis, application and evolution of case studies focused on real work experiences.

All information relating to registration methods can be found on the official website of the Aerotech Academy.