Enterprise Risk Management

Leonardo’s Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) aims to identify, assess and manage enterprise risks, that it is to say threats and opportunities, which may potentially have effects on the achievement of the Industrial Plan and Strategic objectives and on the effectiveness of actions for long-term business sustainability.

This is a key requirement to maintain business value, operations and stakeholder interests in the long-term. 

The ERM process also aims to support the strengthening of the Corporate governance in order to allow the Company to identify, evaluate (by adopting quantitative and qualitative methodologies) treat and monitor the risks according to common and cross-cutting rules, thus enabling the escalation of Top Risks, also with the support of a specific Risk Report system.

Enterprise risks identified and managed each for the respective area of competence by the relevant Company structure according to the roles established by the process (Process Owner/Risk Owner/Action Owner) with the support of Risk Management unit, may have the following risk impact nature: