The Remuneration Committee is currently composed of 5 non-executive and all independent Directors.
The functions and duties of the Committee are illustrated and regulated by specific Rules of Procedure approved by the Board of Directors, lastly updated in March and December 2021.
The specific duties of the Remuneration Committee include, among other tasks: the formulation of opinions to the Board of Directors in relation to the definition of the Company’s policy on remuneration of Directors and Top management; periodical assessment of the appropriateness, overall consistency and concrete application of the aforementioned policy; the formulation of proposal in order to the remuneration and the contractual conditions of delegated Directors and of other Directors with particular functions.
The Rules therefore give the Committee, which is already responsible for assisting the Company in preparing the best management policies for the Group's managerial resources, as well as the plans and systems for the managerial development of the Group's key resources, the new task of monitoring the adoption and specific implementation of measures to promote equal treatment and opportunities among genders in the corporate organization.
The Committee is also responsible for the analysis, with reference to the issues of its relevant competence, of the matters that are relevant to Leonardo for the long-term value generation.
Updated May 2023
Members of Remuneration Committee |
Enrica GIORGETTI (Chairman, independent) |
Trifone ALTIERI (independent) |
Giancarlo GHISLANZONI (independent) |
Elena VASCO (independent) |
Steven Duncan WOOD (independent) |