Advanced Power & Energy Systems

The laboratory studies innovative systems for electrifying the aircraft of the future, in line with the decarbonisation goals of the New European Green Deal. The research focuses not only on propulsion, but also on the integration of equipment such as landing gear. To this end, it has developed algorithms and models for managing the energy distribution system and for analysing and modelling components such as electrochemical energy storage, hydrogen storage and handling, fuel cells, electrical machines, and temperature management systems. The laboratory is currently investigating the improvement of several key performance indicators, including power and energy density, safety and reliability, efficiency, and integration for each of these components. To assess the impact, challenges, and feasibility of hybrid-electric platforms, it uses the electricity grid model and all its subcomponents, integrating a digital twinning platform. Most of the challenges in this field are shared by civil systems and certain military systems, as the management of high levels of power and energy on board civil aircraft is comparable to that of the highly electrified fighter aircraft of the future.

Search Areas

Innovative aircraft: conceptual and preliminary design
Innovative powertrain design
Energy & power management
Thermal management and cooling technologies
Fuel cells
Hydrogen storage
Electric machine
Power electronics