
Block 20, the new digital face
of the M-346

A jewel born from 70 years of company experience in the trainer sector, with different versions sold in total in over 2,000 units worldwide. It is the M-346, currently in production at Leonardo’s. Its CV includes over 120,000 flight hours, more than 100 machines sold globally and the most challenging assignment: being the backbone of the International Flight Training School, the school of excellence for training national and international military pilots, born from the collaboration between Leonardo and the Italian Air Force. Today we are working on the new Block 20 configuration, which will incorporate new digital and artificial intelligence features, to allow the M-346 to remain a "top performer" in current - and future - operational scenarios.

The M-346 is a twin-engine, two-seat transonic jet aircraft, with fully digital flight controls and avionics, equipped with a fly-by-wire flight control system with quadruple redundancy and a modern human-machine interface with display for the “head up” (HUD – Head-up Display) and multifunction (MFD – Multi Functional Display) data presentation.

The aircraft is the fulcrum of a training system consisting of an integrated on-board system for the simulation of tactical training (ETTS - Embedded Tactical Training System), which allows the aircraft to emulate sensors, armaments and CGF (Computer Generated Forces) and allows pilots to operate simultaneously, and in a combined manner, in LVC mode: Live (real flight), Virtual (the various types of simulators) and Constructive (interfacing with any type of force/threat generated by the computer).

The system is completed by the GBTS (Ground Based Training System) ground training segment, composed of various flight and mission simulation systems, multimedia and classroom courses, mission planning and training management systems, and an integrated logistic support (ILS) which optimises the management of fleets and simulators to allow maximum operation.

M-346’s full-mission simulator



Changing operational scenarios, training times, the costs of flying fifth generation aircraft, the availability of new, more advanced cockpits, with an eye to the next generation of “combat air”: these are all variants that require an update of the entire trainer system, based on a holistic approach that maintains the correct balance between flying skills and information management, within a dynamic system such as training.

Today, digitalisation and artificial intelligence are the enablers of a further evolution that affects both the aircraft and the ground segment, and which will materialise in the new Block 20 configuration of the M-346, in the two Fighter and Trainer versions.

The integrated capabilities of the training system will be enhanced through upgraded state-of-the-art sensors, weapon systems, datalinks, and onboard avionics, as well as enhanced human-machine interfaces through augmented reality systems. All supported by advanced supercomputing capabilities, artificial intelligence algorithms and intrinsic cyber resilience characteristics, with substantial benefits in terms of operational availability of the fleet and integrated services.

The entire training ecosystem will benefit from the update, enhancing its distinctive live/virtual/constructive capacity and confirming itself as the best "incubator" for training the latest generation fighter pilots, capable of dealing with updated training syllabuses and threats emerging in the airspace, with or without a pilot.

International Flight Training School – Decimomannu, Sardinia



Development of a new generation cockpit, which includes:

Introduction of two Large Area Displays (LAD), which will replace the current multi-functional displays (MFD) and Low-Profile Head-up Displays (LPHUD), allowing for a better human-machine interface.

Integration of a new digital video and data recorder (DVDR) for mission de-briefing.

Integration of a new helmet-mounted display (HMD), fully integrated with the avionics and with the on-board training system and supported by augmented reality systems.

In particular, the HMD display allows to increase the realism and effectiveness of the training, providing an immersive environment in which it is possible to view the holograms of the virtual and constructive components that are participating in the simulation. In this way it will be possible to have a positive impact on training costs and CO2 emissions.

Finally, Air-Air and Air-Surface activities, traditionally not performed in phase 4 of the training syllabus, can be anticipated, thus providing the pilot with full awareness of the situation and the peculiar operating conditions of the fifth and next generation platforms.

Implementation of a new navigation and identification system, which includes:

The redesign of the cabin control panels for the navigation, warning, weapons management, HMD control and get home display systems for backing up flight data.

The development of the Flight Management System (FMS) to enable the Required Navigation Performance (RNP) and area navigation operations (aRea NAVigation-RNAV).

Implementation of the IFF (Identification Friend or Foe) transponder which will incorporate the ADS-B Out functionality for aircraft identification.

Integrations on the fighter version, which include:

An AESA (Active Electronically Scanned Array) technology radar, to increase targeting capability and enable a wider spectrum of Air-Air and Air-Surface missions.

A Weapon System  Interface Unit, capable of managing different armaments.

Additional weapons systems for Air-Air and Air-Surface operations.

Missile datalink capability.

M-346 – Assembly line at Venegono (Varese) site

The continuous update path also extends to the ground segment, the Ground Based Training System, with virtual reality and artificial intelligence applications, to:

Define and personalise the training paths, implementing the Adaptive Training approach, that conforms to the student pilot’s individual conditions during the theoretical and practical phases, leveraging performance data analysis (biometric, cabin, flight and environmental data).

Develop autonomous artificial agents (AI Agents) to be introduced into the synthetic scenario, to improve the quality and complexity of the tactical training provided.


The M-346 T Block 20 and the M-346 F Block 20 are the latest evolution of a path of continuous technological innovation that began more than seventy years ago. Different companies belonging to the best Italian aeronautical tradition, and which merged first into Finmeccanica and then into Leonardo, have over time built cutting-edge trainer models on which entire generations of military pilots have learned to fly, in Italy and around the world.