Call for tender WS2101473054 - Leonardo Aerostructures

Assist-Euromale DA-C2T-007-008 Lamination Tools

Assist-Euromale DA-C2T-007-008 Lamination Tools for Spar Wing Structure

Roma  26 July 2024 09:27

Summary Information


Call of Tender Nr
Assist-Euromale DA-C2T-007-008 Lamination Tools
Description of supply
Assist-Euromale DA-C2T-007-008 Lamination Tools for Spar Wing Structure
Type of supply
Tooling parts
Duration of contract/work
After Purchase Order with delivery in November - 2024
Presumed bidding starting price
About € 1.000.000,00
General awarding criteria
Best value for money
Date of publication
26 July 2024
12 August 2024