Lorenzo Mariani to Eurosatory News, “Focus on multi-domain approach
and digitalisation"

18 June 2024

In the last two years, the European geopolitical context has deeply changed, with new conflicts characterised by the combination between conventional, asymmetric and hi-tech threats. In an interview with Eurosatory News, during the ongoing exhibition in Paris, Leonardo's Co-General Manager, Lorenzo Mariani, describes the main guidelines driving the Group towards the new challenges imposed by the current scenario.

In such a highly complex European scenario, defence operators are called upon to adapt rapidly to changes, through a deep evolution of their systems. For Leonardo, this takes the form of two main lines. Lorenzo Mariani explains that “one is the multi-domain response. More and more, our systems must be capable of operating not only in a single domain, such as land, see, air, or even space, but in all of them together.”

In addition to the multi-domain approach, one of the pillars of the new Industrial Plan, the second guideline is digitalisation. As Mariani points out, “The company is performing a very strong effort on digitalising not only its technologies and solutions, but also its processes. This is already bringing the need for a coverage of cyber protection.”

These two drivers find practical application in the new AW249, presented at the Paris exhibition. An helicopter designed for multi-domain operations, with an open architecture, all digitalised equipment. According to Lorenzo Mariani, “This is a good example of how we should respond in the future to multi-domain operational requirements.”