ICSSA, the international conference for aerospace cyber security: ready to start

12 October 2021

The first meeting of the International Conference on cyber security for aerospace ( ICSSA) will take place October 13 – 14 in Abruzzo, Italy. The conference is organized by the Abruzzo ICT and Aerospace Technological Domain, in collaboration with the University of L'Aquila, Leonardo and Telespazio, and aims to address and investigate issues related to information security for the aerospace sector. Aerospace represents a critical infrastructure , making a significant impact on the life of citizens and on the socio-economic systems of our society. Imagine not being  able to ensure secure air transport or the proper functioning of satellites in space, on which today many activities of daily life depend, from secure banking transactions to tracking a route on our smartphones.

Day one will take place in Chieti at the Leonardo’s  international center of excellence in cyber security, and will be led by the Managing Director of Leonardo's Cyber & Security Division, Tommaso Profeta, together with the President of the Abruzzo Region, Marco Marsilio, and the Rector  of the University of L'Aquila, Edoardo Alesse. A discussion panel will follow in which, alongside other market exponents, Aldo Sebastiani, SVP Cyber and Digital Center of Leonardo and Marco Brancati, CTIO of Telespazio, a company that provides safe and resilient space services all over the world, will convene.  Following, the results of the Cyber Trainer research project will be presented; a high-tech platform that uses simulation scenarios to allow the training of cyber security operators and testing of new technologies to verify the security components in case of cyber threats. The event will also be an opportunity to inaugurate the new Customer Experience Area, an addition to the Global Security Operation Center that utilizes an immersive experience in Leonardo's innovative technologies. Visitors will be able to learn about Cyber & Security solutions related to Critical Communications, Security and Digitalization.

Day two will happen at the Palazzo dell'Emiciclo in L’Aquila, where Roberto Baldoni, Director of the newly created National Cybersecurity Agency, will open the conference. Main institutional players of the national and international aerospace scenario, including Massimo Mercati, Head of ESA Security Office of the European Space Agency, will discuss the most topical issues of policy making and the most interesting frontiers of research.
The conference will take place in person but it will also be possible to follow it by connecting to the official website for the event.

For more information, please email: cyberandsecurity@leonardo.com

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